That's a big spider! |
What the junk!? My little sister is in college! haha I don't why that is so weird to me but it is! Kylie just look out for all of my past companions or other people from the FFLM. Basically everyone that has gone home is now at BYU so I'm sure at some point you will see one of them! It sounds like everyone is getting back into the groove of school which is great! I remember that first week always being super rough, but then it just felt normal again once you survived the first week. I wish I could say it was the same way for the mission! But unfortunately it's not! Especially as an Assistant there is never 2 days in a row that are exactly the same. The past week was pretty low key, but this next week is the one that is going to be wild! Because it's the week of transfers! It's crazy to think that another transfer has come and gone, and now I only have 2 left! Please just pray that I will have the physical strength to just keep going! Transfer week is always long just because of the long hours, and I'm starting to feel a little old so I'm going to need some divine help!
I normally don't share just dumb random stories because they're not what's important, but this one was just too funny that I have to share! So a week ago on P day we went fishing. We were certain that we were going to catch a fish, we even prayed that we get something to cook up!! but we got nothing!! Not even a small bite or nibble, just nothing. So we were pretty disappointed that we spent a whole day doing nothing. Then a few days later on Thursday were over in Naples. We had an exchange for that day so went out for lunch. After lunch we come back to the car and sitting on the ground in the parking lot is a giant catfish!! Still alive and flopping! I don't know how it got there, but somehow it had flopped out of a nearby canal into the parking lot and over to our car!! We about died laughing! God had answered our prayers and sent us a fish!! Haha so of course we went and asked for a to go box and picked up the fish and took it home with us! Such a classic mission experience. I'll send a picture of it swimming in our bath tub! haha
Sorry, I don't have much time left but I just want to share something that I have learned over the course of my mission about prayer. And believe it or not this experience with the Catfish reminded me of it! ;) A lot of times people pray for things and expect immediate results or crazy direct answers to their prayers. And most times answers to our prayers don't come that way. So then because of it people doubt God or even deny his existence. Answers to our prayers come in God's timing and not ours. That was a super hard lesson for me to learn on my mission, because I always wanted immediate results! I wanted to find people that very moment! Or I wanted something to happen instantly! But prayer isn't for God to align His will with ours. It's for us to align our will with His. I'm so grateful for the answers that I have received to my prayers over the course of my mission. They have never come in the ways that I expected but they have always come! Love you guys so much and have a blessed week!
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Catfish in the parking lot |
Elder Nielsen
We have a deep fat fryer at our house so of course we had to make some deep fried oreos! :)